Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is the stretching and tearing of ankle ligaments. The most common type is the inversion ankle sprain (lateral ankle sprain), in which the ankle rolls over on the outside. If the ankle sprain is severe, the tendons also get damaged. Ankle sprains are the most common injury to the ankle. Sprains can range from mild (grade 1) to severe (grade 3) where ankle ligaments are ruptured. They can result in long term consequences like chronic ankle pain.

woman with Ankle Sprain

Common causes of Ankle Sprain

  • Anything that makes the ankle ‘roll outwards’ –  i.e. landing awkwardly, walking on uneven surfaces, twisting motions.
  • Poor rehabilitation of a previously sprained ankle.
  • Poor proprioception (the sense of where a joint  is).
  • Weak ankle muscles
  • Hypermobility

Ankle Sprain Treatments

For mild to moderate sprains:

  • RICE: rest, ice, compression & elevation (icing 5 minutes on, 2 hours off, 15 minutes on), Neurofen as needed.
  • Increase proprioception by conducting single leg exercises on uneven surfaces
  • If biomechanics is a contributory cause – orthotics.

For severe sprains:

What can I do for Ankle Sprains?

  • See a podiatrist for assessment
  • Incorporate ankle strengthening exercises into daily routine
  • Gradual return to sport with taping or bracing the ankle before sport once returned

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