NDIS Podiatry

The NDIS stands for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. The NDIS helps children and adults living with a disability access funding for the assistive technology and healthcare (such as NDIS podiatry) they need to lead their most independent and healthy life.

Advance Foot Clinic Podiatry is a NDIS Registered Provider. This means that we have gone through rigorous screening to be able to provide services through NDIS for all types of NDIS participants – independently managed, plan managed, and agency (NDIA) managed. 

Our team is dedicated to making your Advance Foot Clinic Podiatry experience a warm and welcoming one. From our friendly receptionists to our experienced podiatrists, you can feel comfortable and confident putting your feet in our hands.

Podiatry cover through NDIS

Like most funding available through NDIS, there must be a connection between the disability and the service being provided. Podiatry treatment is indicated for a number of reasons, some of which may include but are not limited to:

If podiatry is likely to assist in the management of your disability, you may be able to access funding through the NDIS to come and see us. You can do this by adding podiatry to your NDIS plan at your plan review. You can also request to add it midway through. 

NDIS Plans

An NDIS plan is a plan which sets out where available funding should be allocated to best meet the NDIS participant’s overall goals. To have podiatry included, there are a couple of considerations:

How can Podiatry help me?

Podiatrists help people in a number of ways. Some of the things NDIS may provide funding for as part of podiatry treatment includes:

Ready for an appointment?

Are you an an NDIS participant ready for a podiatry appointment? To make things easy, we’ve listed the steps you should take here.

Step 1

Add podiatry to your NDIS plan (for plan managed participants)

The first step is to ensure you have available funding to see a podiatrist. Your NDIS plan can be reviewed and adjusted at any time, even if it is still a while before your normal review date. Simply chat to your plan manager. You can skip this step if you are NDIS self-funded or agency-managed.

Step 2

Gather information to bring to your NDIS Podiatry appointment

Below is a list of all the information which we will ask for at your initial appointment. To make things run smoothly, you should check you have all required details handy to take with you:

If Plan Managed:

If Agency Managed:

If Self-funded

Step 3

Book your first appointment at Advance Foot Clinic

Booking your first appointment can be done either over the phone with your local clinic or online. We have a range of different days and times available, and you are welcome to bring a support person or support worker to your appointment.

Be sure to let us know that you would like to book an initial appointment through NDIS when you contact us. This lets us know that we will need to allow a little extra time to run through some paperwork on the day.

One of our expert podiatrists at Advance Foot Clinic

Step 4

Attend your first appointment at Advance Foot Clinic

When you come in for your first appointment, we will ask for the NDIS information we listed previously. We will also get you to complete a new patient form with some basic information about your medical history and medications, so it’s great to have this information handy. You may have filled this out online prior to your appointment.

At your first appointment your podiatrist will discuss your needs with you and come up with a treatment plan. We will use this treatment plan to formulate a ‘service agreement’ between you and Advance Foot Clinic. The service agreement sets out the services your podiatrist will provide (e.g. future appointments, orthotics, braces, nail surgery) and expected costs. This plan will be signed by both yourself and your podiatrist, and you will both keep a copy.

Step 5

Follow-up appointments

You and your podiatrist will have come up with a treatment plan at your first appointment, so all that is left now is to follow it!

We will provide services as agreed, although you are welcome to request changes at any time. Your service agreement will generally be reviewed every twelve months or when your NDIS plan gets reviewed.

Take the first step towards happy and healthy feet.

Ready to give your feet the care they deserve? Book your appointment online or call us and experience our expert podiatry services at any of our six clinic locations.