
Neuritis is the inflammation of a nerve or group of nerves.  This differs from neuralgia which is pain along the course of the nerve pathway or neuropathy which is a disease of the nerve that causes altered sensation or function.

Contributing factors

  • Infections – eg. Herpes & shingles
  • Physical Injury
  • Underlying conditions – Diabetes, Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome, alcoholism
  • Certain medications

Neuritis Treatments

  • RICE- rest, ice, compression & elevation
  • Activity modification or reduction
  • Soft tissue massage & stretching exercise
  • If biomechanics is a contributory cause- orthotics may be considered.
  • Non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drug ( Nurofen etc)

What can you do?

  • Reduce or modify current activities
  • Gradually resume  normal activity as symptoms resolve
  • Ice after training/ activity 15 minutes on , 2 hours off, 15 minutes on
  • Footwear assessment – it may be time for a new pair
  • Stretch your  lower leg muscles – but not to the point that it causes pain

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