Am I at risk of getting a fungal nail infection?

Find out if you are at risk of getting a fungal nail infection

Fungal nail infections affect up to 23% of people. Looking at the high percentage of affected people you are probably asking yourself, “Am I at risk of getting a fungal nail infection?”

are you at risk of getting a fungal nail infection

What is nail fungus?

Fungal nails are caused by microscopic organisms that are commonly found within our environment. Fungus is commonly  contracted by coming into contact with a contaminated surface or skin-to-skin contact with an infected person.

There are a few factors that increase our chances of getting a fungal infection such as age, health and environmental factors.


There are a number of risk factors for getting a fingal nail infection such as age, health status and environmental factors

What puts me at risk of getting a fungal nail infection?

Am I at risk of getting a fungal nail infection? There are a few risk factors. 


Fungal infections are more commonly found in older people than in children. This is likely due to a reduction in peripheral circulation, having a weaker immune system and being more likely to cause trauma to the nails.

Health Status

If you are immunocompromised you are at increased risk of developing a fungal nail infection. Typical health conditions that could increase your risk of a fungal infection are:

  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and hyperhidrosis 
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Trauma to the nail

Environmental factors

Living in an area with a warmer climate and humidity can lead to sweaty feet, which creates a perfect environment for fungus. Sharing bathing or swimming facilities with people that could potentially have a fungal infection could also increase your risk of contracting fungus.

warm climates and shared floors like at the swimming pool can all increase your risk of getting a fungal nail infection

What can I do?

If you think you may have a fungal nail infection, or have had one in the past and are looking for ways to prevent it, seeing a podiatrist is a great place to start!

Learn more about your risk factors and available treatments by calling us on 07 3351 5888 or book online

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