Podiatrist Keletso Kupi


Podiatrist Keletso Kupi
Kelesto Kupi podiatrist at Advance Foot Clinic profile photo

Keletso Kupi graduated with a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Podiatry from the University of Johannesburg in 2021. She then worked for multiple private practices building skills before opening her own private podiatry practice in Johannesburg during 2023.

Keletso has brought these varied experiences with her, relocating to Australia in 2024 to work for Advance Foot Clinic. She is passionate about podiatry care and enjoys seeing the positive impact podiatry can have on a person’s quality of life. You’ll see this passion demonstrated in Keletso’s friendly and thorough podiatry care.

Special Interests

  • Ingrown toenail surgery
  • General Foot Care / Clinical Podiatry
  • Diabetic foot care
  • Orthotics

Where can you find Podiatrist Keletso Kupi?

Since joining the team in Brisbane, Keletso splits her time between our Bellbowrie and Arana Hills Podiatry clinics.

podiatrist keletso kupi with receptionist Shell

Get to know Keletso Kupi

I love podiatry because it’s very fulfilling. Being able to make a positive impact and increase the quality of life of my patients is something I don’t take for granted.
Animal Farm by George Orwell
If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you dont have in life, you’ll never have enough – Oprah Winfrey
Dog or cat person- Neither. I’m scared of both.

Services and Treatments

Podiatrist Keletso Kupi offers a wide range of the latest podiatry services and treatments including those below. Learn more about our services.

podiatrist keletso kupi is a warm and welcoming brisbane podiatrist

Ready to book your next appointment with Podiatrist Keletso Kupi

For your convenience, you can book your appointment online. Choose which clinic you’d like to see Keletso and let us know if it will be your first appointment with Advance Foot Clinic Podiatry.

If you would like to speak to one of our receptionists, please call your local podiatry clinic or email info@afootc.com.au.