Podiatry Student Placement

Searching for a podiatry student placement?

At Advance Foot Clinic Podiatry we offer available placements to those studying podiatry as well as those looking for work experience.

Our diverse team of podiatrists volunteer their time to demonstrate their clinical podiatry skills. During your placement, it’s possible you will be exposed to a wide range of treatments using a variety of the latest equipment.

We offer placements from a mix of our Brisbane podiatry clinics. As a result, you will get to know different environments, learn from multiple podiatrists and mingle with a variety of our support team members. All in all, you will see what Advance Foot Clinic Podiatry is all about.

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Ready for the next step?

Are you interested in applying for a podiatry student placement or looking for further information? If so, then please get in touch.