Sever’s Disease

Sever’s Disease is probably the most frequent cause of heel pain in children. It commonly occurs in (but is not limited to) children aged 8-14 years. Boys and girls are both equally affected by the disease, although  active children seem most prone to the disease.

Activity related pain at the back of the heel bone (cal-cane-e-us) where the Achilles Tendon attaches is the most common characteristic of Sever’s Disease.  There may also be swelling and tenderness around this area.  Sports that require a lot of running, jumping or other high impact activities are particularly associated with Severs Disease (football, basketball, gymnastics etc.).

Main contributing factors

  • 8-14 years of age
  • High impact activities or increased activity levels
  • Excessive pronation – ‘rolled-in feet’

Treatment for Severs Disease

  • RICE – rest, ice, compression & elevation
  • Soft tissue massage & stretching exercise
  • Heel raises and supportive strapping
  • Address biomechanical abnormalities with orthotics
  • Casting if very severe

What can you do?

  • Footwear assessment – it may be time for a new pair
  • Reduce or modify current activities
  • Gradually resume normal activity as symptoms resolve
  • Ice after training/ activity 15 minutes on, 2 hours off, 15 minutes on
  • Stretch your lower leg muscles – but not to the point that it causes pain

Take the first step towards happy and healthy feet.

Ready to give your feet the care they deserve? Book your appointment online or call us and experience our expert podiatry services at any of our six clinic locations.