How do you treat fungal nails?


There are many over-the-counter treatment options on the market and sadly most are not all that effective. So, how should you treat fungal nails? It is important you see a podiatrist to help guide you towards which treatment options would be best for your particular case. Your podiatrist will also be able to provide education around what causes fungal nail infections and how to avoid them.


Treatment of fungal nails

The best way to treat fungal nails is with painless cold laser therapy (Lunular) or lacquers and tinctures. This is because these penetrate the nail and act on the fungal infection within the nail. 

Fungal Nail Laser

One of the most innovative fungal nail lasers on the market for treatment of fungal nails is the cold laser known as the Lunula. It uses 2 different types of painless lasers at each end of the light spectrum to help destroy the fungus rather than the older “hot lasers” that cause damage and heat up the nail, burning the fungus out, often painfully.

Lacquers and Tinctures

There are various fungal lacquers and tinctures on the market to help in the treatment of fungal nails. Discuss the options with your podiatrist. They can help you choose the best one for your treatment as they all have different cost and effectiveness depending on the severity of the infection.


Ensure you treat any skin infection

It is also important to treat the cutaneous (skin) infection, if one is present, to reduce the chances of re-infection of the nail. Your podiatrist will advise you of the appropriate treatment plan for your infection. 

How do you treat fungal nails if the nail is completely affected?

If the nails are completely affected, then conservative treatment is unlikely to be completely successful. As a result, you might require an oral antifungal agent. Your Podiatrist will advise on this situation.


What can I do myself to help with infection?

Some cost-effective home remedies have shown to be effective in mild cases of fungal infection. However, these often take months to show results with daily applications necessary to see any effect.

These remedies include application 1-2 times daily of one of the following;

  • tea tree oil
  • hydrogen peroxide, 
  • betadine or povidone iodine (which does come in a colourless form if worried about staining). 

30 minute vinegar foot soaks nightly has also shown to be effective.

Just note that if regular application is not adhered to it is unlikely these remedies will be effective.

Out of these treatments the fungal nail laser is the most exciting. It’s main benefit is it doesn’t introduce various chemicals into the body unlike the oral medication which can be hard on the liver and cause stomach upsets. With cold lasers you don’t have the concern of the side effects medication sometimes causes, or the frequency of treatment needed for topical treatments.

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