How do you treat ingrown toenails?

An ingrown toenail is when one or both sides of your nail pushes into the skin causing inflammation and in some cases an infection. Chances are you or someone you know has dealt with this nail condition before. Ingrown toenails can be quite painful and need to be addressed in order to avoid any complications. For this reason, our podiatrists are often asked the question: how do you treat ingrown toenails?


Treating ingrown toenails

When it comes to podiatrists treating ingrown toenails there are two general treatment options:

  1. Conservative trimming/removal of the affected nail
  2. Minor surgical procedure called a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA)

Your podiatrist will assess the affected nail before recommending a treatment option they feel would be the best for your individual case.


Conservative Trimming

Your podiatrist might recommend conservative treatment for your ingrown toenail. This is mainly when the ingrown nail is minor and has no other complications such as an infection. Your podiatrist will simply trim the affected nail edge to help relieve the pressure. You will need to regularly maintain this trimming as it is not a permanent solution. Your podiatrist will also cut your nails correctly and walk you through the correct technique in order to prevent future ingrown toenails.


Partial Nail Avulsion

When necessary, your podiatrist will recommend a Partial Nail Avulsion. For instance, if the nail is deeply embedded into the nailfold of your toe or if there are other complications such as an infection, swelling or overgrown tissue. This procedure is likely to give you a more permanent solution for your ingrown toenail.

Your podiatrist will also be able to check for any other factors, such as incorrect footwear, that might be the cause of your problem and help you to modify them. Book your appointment today with one of our podiatrists to discuss how to treat ingrown toenails.

Contributed by Podiatrist Cherize Vorster

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