Podiatry for Seniors – what does it involve?

podiatry for seniors

Problems with our feet naturally occur as we get older. However, this isn’t something you should have to put up with as we provide podiatry for seniors. Seeing a podiatrist can help seniors improve their foot health and prevent any problems from occurring.

Is it normal for our feet to change?

Over the years our feet go through significant changes. This is perfectly normal. The elderly population usually begin to lose the padding in the feet and the body’s ligaments and tendons lose the ability to spring back. 

Foot health can even mirror an individual’s health. For example, signs of poor circulation could be brittle and discoloured nails, dry skin and cold feet. This is one of the many reasons why foot health is an important aspect of general health

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Podiatry for seniors - what does it offer?

The foot problems which occur can be solved by podiatrists in a few ways such as regular general care, padding and offloading, debridement of hard skin and corns, orthotics, and footwear advice and recommendations. Podiatrists can also carry out a neurovascular assessment. This assessment will give the podiatrist more understanding of the patient’s foot health. The podiatrist will test the integrity of the sensory nerves that supply the feet and make sure there is adequate blood supply to the lower limb.

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Elderly people can experience changes in toenails. Whether it’s discoloration, thickness or strength of the nail, in most cases you will find they also become more susceptible to fungal nails. The elderly population can also struggle with self care which is why it’s important for a podiatrist to regularly reduce the thickness of the nail and treat the infection.

Skin and cushioning

Aged patients will start to notice that the fatty pad on the soles of the feet and heels may become thinner after time. The fat pads’ role is to help us shock absorb and protect our feet. As this diminishes, we are essentially walking on the bony prominences of the feet. Podiatrists can use padding and offloading to make life more comfortable. Footwear changes and orthotics can also help. 

Seniors Podiatry

Arthritic Changes and podiatry for seniors

1 in 5 Australians over the age of 45 have osteoarthritis. Arthritis can lead to joint pain and changes in bones in the feet. Changes affect not only the structure but also the function of the feet. This can mean muscles around the feet need to work a lot harder. Often this will create flow-on problems elsewhere in the body.

What can I do now?

Podiatry treatment is essential for the elderly population who experience any of the above. If you require any of the services then book an appointment with your local Advance Foot Clinic Podiatrist and start improving your quality of life!

Take the first step towards happy and healthy feet.

Ready to give your feet the care they deserve? Book your appointment online or call us and experience our expert podiatry services at any of our six clinic locations.