Podiatry Tennis Injuries

If you’re an avid tennis player, you know the exhilaration of the game, the satisfaction of a well-placed shot, and the importance of moving swiftly on the court. However, with the dynamic nature of tennis comes the risk of tennis injuries – particularly in the lower limbs – that can hinder your game. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of tennis injuries, shedding light on common issues such as ACL tears, peroneal tendonitis, ankle sprains, and the importance of proper tennis shoes.

Common tennis injuries our experienced Brisbane podiatrists treat include plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, ACL and menicus injuries, and ankle sprains

1. ACL tears and ruptures in tennis

Tennis is a demanding sport that puts significant stress on the knee joints, making players susceptible to ACL tears. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a crucial stabilizer of the knee, and injuries to this ligament can have a profound impact on your ability to enjoy the game. If you’ve experienced the unfortunate occurrence of an ACL tear, you understand the challenges it poses not only to your tennis performance but also to your overall mobility.

When it comes to tennis injuries, ACL tears are particularly concerning due to their prevalence and the extended recovery periods they often entail. Whether you’re a professional or a recreational player, the risk is real. To reduce this risk, focus on strengthening exercises for your lower body, ensuring your muscles provide optimal support to the knee joint during those rapid lateral movements on the court.

Achilles tendonitis and peroneal tendonitis are extremely common tennis injuries

2. Peroneal Tendonitis in Tennis Players

Another common issue among tennis players is peroneal tendonitis. The peroneal tendons, located on the outer side of the ankle, are susceptible to inflammation and irritation, especially during activities that involve repetitive ankle movements, such as those in tennis.

If you’ve been feeling pain, tenderness, or swelling on the outside of your ankle, it’s essential to consider the possibility of peroneal tendonitis. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to chronic issues, affecting not only your performance on the court but also your day-to-day activities.

To address peroneal tendonitis, focus on proper warm-up routines before your tennis sessions. Stretching and strengthening exercises for the ankles can go a long way in preventing this painful condition. Additionally, consult with our podiatrists for personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your specific needs.

3. Ankle Sprains - Common Tennis Injuries

Ankle sprains are among the most prevalent injuries in tennis, often occurring due to sudden changes in direction, uneven surfaces, or awkward landings after a jump. If you’ve ever rolled your ankle on the court, you know how debilitating it can be.

Recovering from an ankle sprain involves rest, ice, compression, and elevation (R.I.C.E.). However, prevention is key. Strengthening the muscles around the ankle and improving your balance can significantly reduce the likelihood of sprains. Don’t underestimate the power of proper footwear as well. Investing in tennis shoes with good ankle support can provide an added layer of protection against these common injuries.

The Role of Tennis Shoes in Tennis Injury Prevention

Your choice of tennis shoes plays a pivotal role in injury prevention. The right shoes provide the necessary support, stability, and cushioning to help you move confidently on the court while minimizing the risk of injuries. On the other hand, ill-fitting or worn-out shoes can contribute to a range of foot problems, from blisters to more severe conditions.

When shopping for tennis shoes, consider factors such as arch support, shock absorption, and proper fit. Don’t compromise on quality, as investing in high-quality tennis shoes is an investment in your foot health and overall performance on the court.


As with any sport, opt for sport-specific footwear. Tennis shoes have been designed to provide the grip and stability required for rapid direction shifts on the court. Most tennis shoes can also be fitted with custom orthotics, which can further reduce the risk of strain and injury. 

Tennis shoes provide lateral stability and cushioning to reduce impact and injury risk during rapid direction changes

The Role of Podiatrists in Treating Tennis Injuries

When tennis injuries strike, seeking professional guidance is crucial for a prompt and effective recovery. Podiatrists at Advance Foot Clinic Podiatry are dedicated to providing specialized care tailored to your unique needs as a tennis enthusiast.

podiatrists can diagnose and provide treatment for a range of tennis injuries including ACL tears, peroneal tendonitis and achilles tendonitis

Diagnosing Tennis Injuries

Our first step is a comprehensive assessment to understand the nature and extent of your tennis-related injury. Whether it’s an ACL tear, peroneal tendonitis, or an ankle sprain, our experienced podiatrists will conduct thorough examinations, including imaging if necessary, to ensure an accurate diagnosis.

Customised Treatment Plans for Tennis Injuries

Once we’ve identified the specific challenges you’re facing, we’ll develop a personalized treatment plan designed to address your injury and get you back on the court as soon as possible. Treatment options may include a combination of physical therapy, targeted exercises, and, in some cases, orthotic interventions to provide additional support to your feet and ankles during play.

Preventative Strategies

Beyond immediate treatment, our podiatrists will work with you to develop preventive strategies to minimize the risk of recurrent injuries. This may involve ongoing monitoring, adjustments to your exercise routine, and advice on proper warm-up and cool-down practices before and after your tennis sessions.

Podiatry can help prevent tennis injuries with footwear advice, rehabilitation programs and custom orthotics

Brisbane Podiatry for Tennis Injuries

if you find yourself grappling with a tennis-related injury, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of skilled podiatrists. We’re here to guide you through the recovery process, offering personalized care that considers both your immediate concerns and your long-term foot health. With the right treatment and preventive measures, you can continue enjoying the sport you love without the fear of recurring injuries. Schedule an appointment today and let us help you get back on the path to pain-free tennis by calling 1300 76 33 66.

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