5 common foot issues for women
Some foot health concerns tend to be more common in certain age groups or genders. Here are 5 of the most common foot issues for women.
5 common foot health issues
Podiatrists see a broad range of problems every day. We outline 5 of the most common foot health issues we see in our podiatry clinics.
5 foot health concerns in children
Find out more about the 5 most common foot health concerns in children according to our experienced team of podiatrists.
Heel pain from Plantar Fasciitis
Our podiatrists diagnose and treat heel pain from plantar fasciitis regularly. We see it at all our clinics and in patients of all ages.
Can orthotics help with heel pain?
Heel pain can occur in anyone, young or old. Our podiatrists use custom orthotics to help with heel pain and related symptoms.
Leg and foot problems during pregnancy
There are a number of possible leg and foot problems during pregnancy which are often overlooked. Your podiatrist can help ease any concerns.