Our Podiatry Treatments
Our Podiatry Treatments
At Advance Foot Clinic Podiatry, we aim to provide the highest level of care to our patients and offer the best possible podiatry treatments in our clinics across Brisbane and Mount Isa.
These podiatry treatments are for everything from involuted, ingrown or fungal nails to plantar warts and biomechanical complaints. We also cater to a wide range of patients in our clinics, from the very young to the elderly.
Some of these treatments require specialist equipment and training. All of our podiatrists are able to provide these treatments from the clinic of your choice. Be sure to speak with your podiatrist about your options at your next appointment.

Swift Microwave Wart Therapy
Plantar warts can be painful, unsightly and grow rapidly. They are viral skin infections which cause cauliflower-like growths of hard skin on the bottom of our feet. They evade the body’s immune system making them hard to treat.
SWIFT Microwave treatment gets rid of plantar warts quickly and safely. All of our podiatrists offer this treatment so you can access it from any of our clinics.
Fungal Nail Laser
Lunula cold laser for nails is a revolutionary new treatment for fungal nails. Painless, quick and effective; the fungal nail laser should be your first port of call for treatment of painful or unsightly fungal nails.
All of our podiatrists offer Lunula cold laser treatment across all of our clinics in Brisbane and Mount Isa.
Onyfix for Ingrown Nails
Onyfix is the new treatment gaining momentum for involuted and ingrown nails.
It is a nail bracing system which adheres to the top surface of the nail and gently corrects the shape of the nail as it grows. The best part is that the ingrown nail is treated without surgery or pain.
To find out more, reach out to our friendly reception staff at your nearest clinic or book online and discuss with your podiatrist.
Clinical Podiatry
At Advance Foot Clinic our podiatrists are specially trained allied health professionals. Podiatrists provide a range of clinical treatments for the lower limbs to improve patient health and screen for complications. Clinical podiatry is provided across all of our clinics.
Orthotics are a common one of our podiatry treatments, and are crucial for many patients. They provide biomechanical correction, cushioning and support.
Orthotics will improve gait and reduce pain from a range of conditions.
Custom Orthotics
Custom orthotics are the gold standard in treatment for most painful foot and lower limb conditions. They are made from a scan or cast of your actual feet to ensure a perfect fit.
Custom orthotics are prescribed by health professionals and cannot be bought from a shop.
Formthotics are a type of heat-moldable “off-the-shelf” orthotic device. They are suitable for more mild lower limb biomechanical problems.
The podiatrists at Advance Foot Clinic will customise Formthotics to suit your feet.
Ankle-Foot Orthoses (Richie Brace)
Richie Braces are our favourite type of Ankle-Foot Orthoses (AFO) to offer patients. AFOs support the foot like a traditional custom orthotic as well as supporting the ankle joint. They treat foot-drop, ankle instability and muscular weakness. With the Richie Brace, there are a variety of styles to choose from to best treat your health concern.
If you are interested in learning more, get in touch with your local clinic or book your consultation online to discuss options with your podiatrist.
Laser Therapy
Are you suffering from foot or leg pain which is stopping you from doing the things you love? At Advance Foot Clinic Podiatry, we now introduce Class IV Low-Level Laser Light Therapy, a cutting-edge treatment designed to shorten and ease your journey to pain relief.
Shockwave Therapy
Our experienced team of podiatrists are now offering a groundbreaking solution for chronic pain – Shockwave Radial Pressure Wave Therapy. Shockwave therapy has many applications and can be used to effectively address an array of foot and leg conditions, including Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, heel spurs and beyond.
Moon Boots
Most often, moon boots are used to treat bone fractures or ligament tears. They might be used for severe tendonitis and chronic mild soft tissue injuries which have not responded to more conservative treatments. Moon boots will also sometimes be used post-surgically and can be very helpful to control post-surgical swelling and improve healing speed.
Paraffin Wax Bath
A historically popular treatment for arthritis and other foot pain. Paraffin wax baths provide a safe deep-heating action to act on painful joints and muscles and improve blood flow.
They are also an effective way to improve the moisture content and appearance of the skin.
Take the first step towards happy and healthy feet.
Ready to give your feet the care they deserve? Book your appointment online or call us and experience our expert podiatry services at any of our six clinic locations.