What is SWIFT wart treatment?


SWIFT wart treatment refers to a specific and unique machine designed to treat warts via targeted microwaves delivered into the skin. It is one of the professional treatment options available to treat plantar warts. SWIFT is easy to recommend as a first-line treatment for warts – it is quick, effective, safe and has no after-care requirements.


How does SWIFT wart treatment work?

The machine itself consists of a main unit which generates the microwaves and a shielded cable running to a handpiece. The handpiece has a removable single-use head which we change for every patient. Microwaves emitted from the handpiece enter the wart tissue to a controlled depth and intensity. Energy penetrates to the root of the wart and causes a ‘shock’ reaction to the tissue. This activates dendritic cells to release T-cells. This triggers the bodies’ immune system to attack the viral cells. Healthy normal cells then replace the viral cells of the now-gone wart. 

Is the SWIFT machine safe?

You may be wary when you hear the term ‘microwave’ in a medical treatment. Rest assured that the microwaves emitted are very safe and only contain enough energy to vibrate the water molecules within the tissue cells in a very small area. No further damage to tissue can occur. There is no burning, freezing or acid. In fact, one of the main benefits of SWIFT wart treatment in comparison to other treatments is how safe and non-invasive it is. SWIFT works by applying energy into the skin rather than by damaging the skin.

SWIFT is safe for children.


What happens in a treatment?

First, your podiatrist will remove any callus covering the wart with a sterile scalpel. They will apply the swift handpiece flush to the skin over the wart. Your podiatrist will use the correct settings for the treatment, selecting these based on the depth, size and location of the wart. All of our podiatrists are fully trained and are able to operate the SWIFT machine. 

The treatment will usually consist of 5 x 2 second intervals of treatment per wart. In total, 100J of energy will be delivered into the wart cells. If the wart is larger than the surface area of the handpiece, you may need multiple applications to ensure the entirety of the wart receives treatment.

After the application, the skin of your feet will look and feel normal. No dressing is required. You can go right back to your normal everyday activities with no restrictions.


How many SWIFT treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed depends on how your body responds. As a general guide, most people experience resolution within three treatments spaced one month apart. Some people may require more treatments (up to six treatments) however this is less common. For this reason, our SWIFT treatment package consists of three paid sessions with any further treatment needed provided at low or no cost to the patient. 

Even if the warts do not completely disappear with SWIFT treatment, most patients find the warts reduce in size, depth and pain after a treatment course. 

Does SWIFT hurt?

There is a short and sharp discomfort confined to the treatment area. Treated tissue reaches a temperature of roughly 45°C. This is a few degrees warmer than a hot bath. It will not cause any serious tissue damage or scarring. Once the treatment ends, there is no ongoing discomfort like with other treatments. In short, ten seconds per wart is all you have to endure! 

How do I book a SWIFT wart treatment?

Please call and tell us you are interested in SWIFT. We will book your three treatments in advance at whichever of our clinics you prefer. This ensures that the SWIFT machine will be available for you and you are receiving the ideal treatment protocol timing. 

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