Why do I have top of foot pain when walking?

answers to the question 'why do I get top of foot pain when walking?' can include biomechanical problems e.g. overpronation, wearing the wrong footwear and overuse of the dorsal foot muscles

Are you experiencing discomfort and wondering, “Why do I have top of foot pain when walking?”

You’re not alone.

Many Australians like you have found themselves dealing with the nagging ache in the top of their feet, especially during those daily walks or activities. In this blog, we’ll delve into the reasons behind top of foot pain when walking, explore the potential culprits, and most importantly, provide you with practical solutions to alleviate this discomfort.

There are ways to reduce pain but it’s important that the root of the problem is explored to prevent further injury.

this blog covers the reasons behind top of foot pain when walking and how to alleviate pain from the dorsal foot and front of the ankle

Understanding Top of Foot Pain When Walking

To comprehend why you may be experiencing top of foot pain when walking, it’s crucial to have a basic understanding of your foot’s anatomy. Your feet are a complex network of bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles that work together to support your body weight and facilitate movement. The top of your foot houses several important structures which stabilise and lift your foot during the swing phase of your gait. Any biomechanical abnormalities or gait problems in this area can lead to pain during walking. A proper diagnosis is always recommended to understand if there is an underlying cause or health condition contributing to the pain you are experiencing.

person experiencing top of foot pain and rubbing their foot in a yellow trainer.

Common Causes of Top of Foot Pain

Overuse and Strain

One of the primary reasons for experiencing pain in the top of your foot when walking is overuse and strain. If you’ve recently increased your physical activity level or started a new exercise regimen, your feet may not be accustomed to the added stress. This can result in irritation and inflammation in the tendons and ligaments on the top of your foot. To reduce the pain in your affected foot it would be recommended to start slowly and gradually increase your exercise load to avoid flare ups. Ensuring you warm up is also vital to avoid further damage to the extensor tendons—the muscles that run along the top of the foot. Home remedies can be an adequate form of treatment if the painful area is solely caused by overuse and strain.

Footwear issues

The shoes you wear play a significant role in foot health. Ill-fitting shoes, high heels, or shoes with inadequate arch support can put excessive pressure on the top of your foot and cause discomfort during walking. It’s essential to choose footwear that provides proper support and fits comfortably. Shoes that are too tight across the top of the foot can cause pain and inflammation. If this issue is not addressed, it can lead to nerve damage and further injury over time.

Biomechanical Problems

Probably the most common reason for pain in the top of your foot when walking is biomechanical abnormalities in your feet. If you have a tendency to overpronate (roll in excessively) when walking, the structures on top of your foot have to work harder to lift your foot off the ground. Conversely, if you have a very high arch, your foot has less shock absorption which can lead to increased fatigue and pain. Footwear is also more likely to compress and irritate the top of your foot and particularly the front of your ankle. This area is particularly prone to nerve compression leading to pain across the front of your ankle bone and top of your foot. If your podiatrist suspects you have biomechanical problems that are contributing to your foot pain, a treatment plan will be implemented to ensure you can get back to walking — pain free.

a close up of a persons feet and lower legs running with an overlay showing biomechanical problems

Diagnosing the Source of Your Pain

If you’re experiencing persistent top of foot pain when walking, it’s advisable to consult with a podiatrist. Our podiatrists are foot specialists who can assess your presenting problem, perform a thorough examination, and recommend appropriate treatments. A biomechanical and gait evaluation is essential to find and address the cause of your foot pain. 

Certain health conditions can cause pain on the top of the foot. Your podiatrist may suspect peripheral neuropathy, which can develop gradually and manifest as foot pain as well as additional symptoms such as muscle tightness, numbness and weakness.

Pain in the front of ankle when walking might be caused by a ligament sprain or ankle fracture. Medical imaging like x-ray and ultrasound is the best way to diagnose the cause of top of foot pain.

Imaging Tests

In some cases, your podiatrist may recommend imaging tests, such as X-rays or an ultrasound, to get a closer look at the structures within your foot. These tests can help identify fractures, tendon tears, ligament damage, broken bones or other hidden issues that may be contributing to your pain. An ankle sprain can cause top of foot pain as well, with swelling and bruising often spreading to the foot causing severe pain when walking. A recent injury, even if it’s not your foot, can lead to foot pain due to the stress or pressure you place on the foot to compensate for the injured area, such as the ankle or knee.

Treating and Preventing Top of Foot Pain

Rest and Elevation

Rest is often the first step in treating top of foot pain caused by overuse or strain. Elevating your foot when resting can help reduce swelling and promote healing. Avoid activities that exacerbate the pain until you’ve fully recovered. To reduce inflammation and pain it is recommended to apply ice to the affected area for 20 minutes at a time 2-3 times a day. You can combine this with over-the-counter pain relief to alleviate pain and muscle tightness.

A podiatrist can help you come up with a safe graduated recovery plan.

Footwear selection

Investing in proper footwear is essential for both treatment and prevention. Your podiatrist can do a physical exam and recommend shoes that provide the necessary support and cushioning for your specific foot type and walking style. Shoes that don’t fit properly can contribute to increased swelling and make the pain in the top of your foot much more intense — prolonging the healing time. Different shoes are made for different exercises, you wouldn’t wear your tennis shoes for a 10KM run, so it’s important you are wearing shoes that are right for the particular activity.

Orthotic Insoles

Orthotic insoles are custom-made inserts that can be placed inside your shoes to provide additional support and stability. A common cause of extensor tendonitis pain is flat feet, which can be corrected with orthotics. Ankle pain can also be alleviated with orthotics, as they help align your spine and relieve pressure on your stressed joints.

This treatment provides support for your foot’s arch, making walking much easier and pain-free.Your podiatrist can assess whether orthotics are a suitable option for you and, if so, create custom-made ones tailored to your needs.

custom orthotics and proper footwear alter the biomechanics of your feet and gait to reduce strain on inflamed and painful tendons, ligaments, bones and muscles in the top of your feet

Physical Therapy

In some cases, physical therapy may be recommended to strengthen the muscles and improve the flexibility of your feet and ankles. Our qualified podiatrists can guide you through exercises and techniques to address the underlying issues contributing to your pain. Book an appointment online to begin your treatment and start walking again.

Podiatrist manipulating a patients foot to help with recovery from top of foot pain

Recover from Top of Foot Pain

Experiencing intense pain when walking can be frustrating, but it’s essential to remember that you don’t have to suffer in silence. By understanding the potential causes and seeking professional help, you can take proactive steps to alleviate your discomfort and get back to enjoying pain-free walks.

Home treatments can only do so much. If your pain is persistent, severe, and affecting your daily life, it’s time to seek professional help to address your symptoms and rule out any underlying health conditions causing your foot pain.

Advance Foot Clinic Podiatry is here to support you on your journey to healthier, happier feet. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced podiatrists for personalised care and expert guidance. Your feet deserve the best, and we’re here to provide it.

Take the first step towards happy and healthy feet.

Ready to give your feet the care they deserve? Book your appointment online or call us and experience our expert podiatry services at any of our six clinic locations.