Why is diabetic foot health important?


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition which results in unnaturally high glucose (a form of sugar) levels in the body. Our bodies are unable to cope with such a high concentration of glucose and so, if not properly controlled, it can start to affect other systems like blood supply and nerve function. So why is diabetic foot health so important?


How does diabetes affect foot health?

Diabetes has two main effects on the body which will usually first show up in your feet. This is why we strongly recommend regular foot health checks for people with diabetes. 

Blood supply

Excessive blood glucose levels affect the smaller blood vessels in the body found in our feet, hands, eyes etc. Over time these blood vessels become damaged and can no longer pump as much oxygenated blood as before; this can lead to poor wound healing, higher risk of developing long lasting infections and tissue death which can lead to amputation. 

Nerve function

Nerves are important for both muscle tone and balance along with detecting various sensations. In diabetes, nerves can progressively decline to the point of permanent loss of sensation in the feet; this is called Peripheral Neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy causes interrupted pain signals; these are the body’s way of alerting us when there is something wrong. This means there is a much higher risk of injury and deformity occurring. 

How bad can it get?

Every year in Australia there are over 27000 hospital admissions for Diabetes related foot ulcers (a non-healing wound). Some of these ulcers are not treatable and result in partial or complete amputation of the foot or limb. This can be prevented with the correct regular care provided by a podiatrist.


How do I manage my diabetic foot health?

The best way to care for your foot health is with daily foot checks and regular podiatry appointments. Daily checks not only protect you, but prevent long term damage and deformity in the feet. Making for a better life in the long run. 

Regular checks with your Podiatrist allow us to monitor for changes to your circulation and nerves. We also treat ulcers and help to prevent them coming back. One way we do this is with orthotics. Orthotics are great for offloading high pressure points and re-distributing body weight more evenly across the feet to prevent these ulcers.

Your Podiatrist will run through all the information you need to know to have healthy feet.

Take the first step towards happy and healthy feet.

Ready to give your feet the care they deserve? Book your appointment online or call us and experience our expert podiatry services at any of our six clinic locations.